Turning 65: Follow Kate’s Journey to Choosing the Right Medicare Plan (Part 4)


Join us on Kate’s Journey to 65 and learn about enrolling in Medicare! Kate has important decisions to make as she approaches her 65th birthday, and Advocate Health Advisors will guide her through the process.  Tim Jeans (Advocate Health Advisors Southwest Florida Regional Manager) leads discussions with Kate and her daughter Alissa (Advocate Health Advisors Chief Compliance Officer).  Video of their conversations about Kate’s Medicare enrollment decisions, questions and experiences are shared as episodes.  

Part 1 Recap

In Episode 1, Kate shared how she’s feeling about aging into Medicare, about retiring and what comes after… and about the slew of mail and email she’s been receiving about health coverage as she’s neared her 65th birthday.  We also heard about Alissa’s cares and concerns in supporting her mother during this important time in life.  

Part 2 Recap

In Episode 2, Kate, Alissa, and Tim discuss the costs of health insurance.  Because of the high price of health benefits, many people who’d like to retire before they turn 65 continue working just to keep affordable insurance.  Kate is happy to learn that as she starts to explore her many options with Medicare, including Medicare Advantage, she is in for “all good news”.  Kate will have numerous options for affordable benefits that will both meet her health needs and support her quality of life.   

Part 3 Recap

In Episode 3, the three have a conversation regarding misconceptions about Medicare enrollment, and how helpful it is to have someone you know and trust to help you.  Alissa talks openly about the relief and excitement she feels for her mom not to have to work in order to keep her health insurance; and Tim describes that enrolling in a health plan is about more than the decision itself, it’s about realizing a “freedom to use your time the way you would like to now.”  

In This Episode

In this episode, Kate talks about what’s most important to her in selecting the best fit Medicare plan.  One of her priorities is to keep her current doctors who have helped her effectively manage a chronic, treatable condition; she would also like preventative care because she knows what a life-saver it can be first-hand; and she wants to focus on her own wellness rather than just treating sickness when it comes.  Kate also opens-up about her desire to live either independently or have coverage to receive long-term care from someone other than her family whom she does not want to burden. 

Keep up with Kate’s Journey at www.AdvocateHealthAdvisors.com/kates-journey. If you are approaching 65 or currently are enrolled in Medicare, we’d like to help you as well. Contact us at 833-233-6812 or email [email protected].   

Advocate Health Advisors agents are committed to helping senior Americans make informed decisions as they first become eligible for Medicare benefits or change existing Medicare coverage. Veteran-owned and licensed in all 50 states and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Advocate Health Advisors is the perfect partner for any new or established health insurance agent or agency.